Dear friends,
Today morning I got an email from Oracle saying I passed
SCEA and my score report on Pearson website is 150 out of 160.
I am very thankful to this
Java ranch site founders/voulanteers/fellow Ranchers to make this succes. I have been this site silent reader since 2001.
I have been dreaming this since 2007.But not able to get time to prepare for this. Finally the Mandatory Training course from October,1st forced me to make an attempt and
I appeared for Part-1 on August 22nd with one week dedicated preparation .
Part-2 - (Wireless Phone Company) submitted on September 21st with many weekends mid night design diagrams
Part-3 Sept 26th - appeared by completing 8th question just in 2 to 3 minutes. because 2 hours time getting over .
Results email got today October 7th.
Thanks again to every one on this forum for sharing their valuable Knowledge and experiences.