Ifteqar Ahmed wrote:Right click on Task05-10-2011EAR.ear and choose Add File. Click Project Folder, and select application.xml under the /META-INF directory. In the Prefix, type: META-INF, and click OK.
Please Build your EAR file from the beginning.
Jboss Users Blog
Jaikiran Pai wrote:
tried running same code(Web application containing a JSP page and a servlet) file here with JBoss which was running fine earlier with Apache.
Ian Geez wrote:
Jaikiran Pai wrote:
Thank you for the post it was a great help. but i am new at this Eclipse and Bean part so please can you guide me with an example how to do this.
what all this part includes
i am having nearly 2-3 jar files so do i have to add all files here. secondly do i have to add the "jre" file too..
Ian Geez wrote:
Second thing please give more info about the part
i am unable to get what this "myweb.war" is here is it path to my war file or does it means something else. and also what is this "webappcontext" in here..
Yeah, but is it art? What do you think tiny ad?
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