Are you better than me? Then please show me my mistakes..
Are you better than me? Then please show me my mistakes..
However our lecturer said we have to install "Java EE SDK".
I just went through the book and we have to use something called "J2EE DEPLOY TOOL". That is like TomCat and available inside the JAVA EE SDK right? OK, so what is the version I hvae to install? I have JDK 7
Are you better than me? Then please show me my mistakes..
Are you better than me? Then please show me my mistakes..
Bear Bibeault wrote:When you install Tomcat, the jars are available in the lib folder.
Do not copy them anywhere else or move them. Leave them be and add them to your compilation class path in-place.
Are you better than me? Then please show me my mistakes..
Mary Chellapa wrote:jsp and servlets are not part of JDK..You need JEE(until java 1.4 ), but I think newer JDK(5,6,7) support jsp/servlets. (NOT very sure of this,Please correct me if I am wrong)
Are you better than me? Then please show me my mistakes..
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