I'm new to the boards, as well as GWT. I'm planning to build a
Java EE application using
EJB and Web Services with a GWT front end. My application needs to build reports from a data source, and was wondering if there are any report builders that work hand in hand with GWT. I see you have gone into it in detail, but I just need to know if this is possible before deciding to start learning GWT.
I looked at it briefly and had difficulty going from one page to another, basically needing to crowd all my controls on the default GWT home page, if I may. So that is where I am at with regards to GWT.
So kindly let me know if this is possible before I start learning GWT as I have a short deadline to meet. If there are some frameworks such as smartGWT that can handle this, please let me know as well. Surprisingly, I have had much luck searching for information on Google.
Best regards.