Greet, I have just taken part III of
scea (n the thursday).
It was quite hard. First, when I start my
test, after answer on the first question, the pc I was having exam freeze !!!
I was stunned !!! Unelievable, then it took them about 10 minutes to transfer my essay to another pc, so I can continue.
Nevertheless, the time was running out, and once when I could continue exam, I had 1.40 minutes left!.
I wrote furiously about 110 minutes, then I must quit, to make a revision of sentences and spell., and few second before exam end , I clicked - END
Mostly, here and even in the another library resource regarding SCEA, I found that 8 questions, are about precisely those 8 Qos issues (security, reliability, etc...).
However, I have been very surprised, because, 3 or 4 questions, were regarding that, explicitly, and the another one 4-5, were about why did I chose and not chose particular technology, and the few was regarding a things, I really did not understand clearly, whet they want me to write.
Regarding the questions, where I recognized what they want me to do clearly , I remembered a note of Jeanne Boyarsky from her blog where she said "I wrote too much because I wasn’t sure what to take for granted" regarding an assumptions, and write as much as I could here, but also in my list of risks and assumptions where I wrote about 9 - 10 pages.
That was all regarding experience.
The thing about score report doubt, is the following. On the report stays :
During this time your
exam status will remain as pending. Once graded your status will
change to passed or failed, and you will receive an email with
your results.
on the site, exam history I have status - Taken. Is that the same just as pending, or I should go into another place (site) to track my exam status?