Finally after 15 weeks of waiting, I received a update in my Pearson Vue account page that I failed (no email yet) in part 2

. I got the following marks in component diagram 10/30 and 10/10 in UML compliance in the component diagram. But in the comment section it says missing component diagram. It doesn't say which section i need to rewrite but says in general if this is a first try, I can resubmit within 30 days. Then, i went back and check my deliverable and found that I named the links as Collaboration diagram and NOT component diagram but inside the diagram they were Component diagram. Now,
1) Was because of the wrong name, they didn't find my component diagram? Can i request them to check the collaboration links explain in an email?
2) If the component diagram is missing, then why still i got 10+10(UML compliance) = 20 marks in that section? I followed CADE book.
3) Since I haven't got any email yet, will I be informed about what section i need to retake or submit the whole project? Also, there was a note that I don't need to take the essay. And lastly, I missed some marks in Class diagram (i got 35/40). Can i add the missing BDM information even though i passed that section? Will that section (class) diagram be evaluated again?
Thanks in advance.