First of all, Hi guys! I'm new here.
Second: Coderanch was the best encouragement when I failed my first take. I have read the post of those who also failed the exam. It's a good feeling that somebody out there feels the same way as you and you know exactly the reasons why you failed.
My first take was at 58%. What I did:
1. Read the K&B book for 4 weeks(Not rereading nor reviewing. Just straight reading from cover to cover)
2. During those 4 weeks I've been doing the free master exams for 5 days
3. I googled around on how to prepare for the exam 3 days before my exam
4. Found out about
examlab and other mock exams 2 days before the exam
5. Cramming my last 2 days with sleepless nights
6. Went to the
test centre knowing I will fail but still hoping to pass.
6.1 During the exam I was sooo sleepy
6.2 I'm nervous as hell
6.3 I need to go to the washroom
with that said the inevitable happened. I failed the exam and felt so devastated but inspired to pass the retake exam! So guys I'll give you my study advice!
What I did for my retake (Scored 95%!)
1. Reread all of the certification summary and two-minute drills.
2. After every chapter of two-minute drills I take the chapter test.
3. I scored myself with the chapter test. Audit all of the low scores and try to understand why is it low.
4. After I found out of my weaknesses. (Generics,
java commands, distinguishing Compilation Fails to Exception thrown at runtime <- Very Important especially in the exams)
5. Reread whole the chapter that I didn't understand well.
6. Did a lot of Mock Exams. Master Exam (<- I suggest always do the open book to understand the question) Certpal. javaranch mock exam questions.
6.1 I repeat the same exam until I scored perfectly with it before proceeding to the next exam.
6.2 Create notes on things I found out in the question that seem to be trivial to me. (Covariant returns, interface methods are public, etc.)
7. Write the Exam!
7.1 Sleep Well before the exam! Trusted!
7.2 Go to the washroom!
7.3 Have a breakfast!
So for those wanting to take the OCPJP 6 exams. The good formula for me is 3 weeks for the book! 4th week mock exams! 5th week weakness strengthening! 6th week final review and exams!