Hi guys,
I have this simple problem with html that I can't seem to figure out.
I have a page with items, if you click on an item a popup shows.
This popup contains a html page with an image. The image is not shown. This is my problem.
Now I know why, but I don't know how to solve this.
The html page comes from another webapp. It is loaded with jquery into a div and shown as popup.
The problem is that the path to the image is relative.
So say the main page is
http://A.com/myapp/home.html and this page shows in a popup the page
http://A.com/myotherapp/page.html with therein the image with src="images/image.jpg " then the browser will look for this image at
http://A.com/myapp/images/image.jpg instead of the
anyone knows how to solve this ?
I know there is a BASE tag that you can use in the header, but I dont want that since that would make it impossible to run the app in developent,
test and production environment differently since I have to
put the complete url in there... I would like to put the base to "myotherapp" in the popup html page.
hope this isn't to confusing ;)
anyone knows how to solve this ?
best regards,