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Also, if you live in a tent, by African standards you're not homeless...Pat Farrell wrote:We have homeless because we closed the mental hospitals and kicked the patients out into the street. We have homeless because, as others have said, we don't live in extended families, so when you lose your home, you can't move into your brother's basement. We have homeless because we have high unemployment. We have homeless because we favor single family homes in the suburbs over apartments in the city -- when you lose your home, you've also lost your car, and now you can't get to the few jobs that exist.
Frank Silbermann wrote:Also, if you live in a tent, by African standards you're not homeless...
Are Africans who live traditional (i.e. pre-colonial) lifestyles (e.g. cattle herders) considered homeless, then?Ogeh Ikem wrote:
Frank Silbermann wrote:Also, if you live in a tent, by African standards you're not homeless...
That's a pretty ignorant statement. How much do you know about African Standards?
Jimmy Clark wrote:Outlook for U.S.A. is very bleak .... as education levels, knowledge, skills and abilities slowly decline as a result of " t . e . c . h . n . o . l . g . i. e . a . d . v . a . n . c . e . m . e . n . t . s "
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors
fred rosenberger wrote:technologie vs. technology, methinks.
Jimmy Clark wrote:The human ability to deeply concentrate, patience, discipline, verbally communicate, harvest knowledge, retain information, maintain attention, develop intellectually are all in danger. A growing dependency on "social media technology" will be a toxic and dangerous condition.
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors
Jimmy Clark wrote:Socializing via electronic technology is not a "new" concept however. Probably been around for at least three decades in different forms.
Jimmy Clark wrote:At a recent political debate, a high-profile politician aggressively stated, "If I am elected, I will immediately eliminate three departments. Education, Energy, and ..." He could not remember the third department.
Paul: The other issue is that on the whole, we have had economic growth which puts more
wealth into the economy. Problem is, for the last 20 or 30 years that wealth has been going
primarily to the people who have money and not to the people who provide labour. Which
pushes people out of the bottom of that group and into tents, where they can't even provide
labour any more.
The people who provide labour are starting to catch on to this process, though. That's what
the Occupy Wall Street movement is about. Only you aren't allowed to speak out against
economic growth, which leaves them looking as if they don't have a real message. Which makes
people think they're just a bunch of 21st-century hippies or something. It's going to be
interesting to see what happens over the next few years.
Jimmy:At a recent political debate, a high-profile politician aggressively stated, "If I am
elected, I will immediately eliminate three departments. Education, Energy, and ..." He
could not remember the third department. However, it is the aggressive and confident tone of
his statement that is most alarming. He demonstrated that he really did not have a clean and
clear understanding of what he was saying. He most likely was simply reciting canned and
prepared statements that were provided to him. I digress.
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