Hi All,
Finally after 4 months of wait, i have received mail from oracle today about my assignment (though Certview still shows "taken" for part 3) that i have passed.
My Assignment was "Factory Homes", submitted on 14th July.
I thank Rishi, Jeanne, Will, Krzysztof, Sharma Ashutosh, Rajan Choudhary and 'n' number of others for their contribution in this forum which guided me to clear this certification.
I have 7 yrs of
Java Experience (total industry experience is the same) and the work i am doing now is kind of a lead (team management) in my company.
I want to move into technical architect arena, hopefully the learning i did for this certification help me to move towards it.
All suggestions, ideas, guidance regarding "Options, Career Shaping, more certs for tech upgrade etc, Post SCEA" are welcome.
Thank You,