Yes Tomcat restarts itself every day.
I have created my own keystore called myCompany.jks. This keystore is located in: $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/myCompany.jks.
I have imported all certificates into this keystore, both the CARoot and lowest certificates in the chain.
I use the keytool command:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -file CARoot.crt -alias CARoot -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/myCompany
So from what you are saying:
When the CA cert is imported using keytool into a filename of your choice, the certificate is NOT visible to anything unless you specify options on the command-line to Java that it should use the custom file with the CA cert in it.
- the conclusion is, that I have to import the certificates into
cacerts instead of using my own keystore called myCompany.jks?
What is strange is that it works sometimes, but only from time to time.
I have read that you can setup a connector in Tomcat /conf/server.xml configuration file, please see:
- but it didn't help either.