Joanne Neal wrote:
Amey Ambulgekar wrote:Q2) why in applet program we can't have main() method.? what is main reason for that..??
You can have a main method. It just wont be used as the entry point to the program.
It's a long time since I wrote an applet so I can't remember what the entry point is, but I guess that the reason that it is different to an application entry point is something to do with the way the code is run from the browser.
And can you remove the < > from the title please. It is causing an image to be added instead of the text.
Sir Joanne Neal,
first of all Thank you for quick reply..
and secondly, i have removed < > tag from my subject..ok..
Now well, i got it that, why we don't use main() method in an applet because, it is executed by Browser right..?
and about Q1 why we give comment in applet java program..?
and how its is executed.. and where it is define in java.?
Thank you again...