Ok lets start by appologising for just throwing this in genral, i realy dont know where to put it.
What i am wanting to do is a client server type thing (my only experience of this is
java RMI in university) that sends the typed text from the web page to my home PC, and the PC sends text back which is displayed onscreen.
Let me put this in context, the idea is to load up the page on a smartphone (the client), (or a standard ipod toutch 4 in my case, or even any other PC for that matter) type in what ever you want, and have it send the text to the users home PC (the server) which would have a java application listening for the request.
The server side application would then output the text to a file, and read in a text file that is being generated from a computer game's Guild chat system and send any new lines to the client page. (i assume this would not be normal call / responce as the client and server need to send Strings back and forth indipendantly of eachother.
Basicly i'm not realy sure where to begin. I dont want to have to set up a web server on my home PC (especialy because this will be distributed amongst other players of whom may only have basic computer skills) but as for the web page itself, for now, i can hoast it on a friends web server.
Im not sure if much security will be needed, as i imagine that loggin details would just be the users home ip / port, and a self made username / password so only they can connect to their PC's server side application.
I would greatly appriciate someone pointing me towards some literature that can help me with this so i can get started, and potencialy bug you guys further ^_- (google seems to just want to tell me how to send SMS messages lol).
Thanks in advance.