I submitted my assignment 2 months back (1 day prior to Oct 1st cut-off date). I think my assignment looks covered in all aspects of all diagrams except the Deployment diagram
I have provided all these details in the deployment-diagram as part of the assignment:
- firewall
- load balancer, web server, app server, DB server (I have specified OS, Processor names for each of them)
- fail-over cluster for web/app and db servers
I have provided 2 diagrams
- one high-level diagram depicting view across multiple DMZs
- one detailed diagram (scoping to 1 DMZ) specifying web tier components (
servlets, JSPs) and Business tier components (Facade bean, Other Beans, MDBs) and Integration tier components (like DAOs).
Reading all the recent threads in our forum, I am now realising that I missed to specify the following specifications:
- # CPUs per cluster
- RAM, Clock speed details
I regret that I missed to read these related threads in our forum before I submitted my assignment
Do you think I still have a chance of clearing the cut-off mark 17 (out of 24) for the deployment diagram? I am not sure how much weightage would be allocated to these missing specs. Friends, Any idea?