posted 17 years ago
I am facing a problem with validator framework. I have 2 sets of fields - one for billing address and one for shipping address. By default both values are the same & hence all the textboxes under the shipping address (like addr,city,state,...) display the values but are disabled/readonly.
A checkbox with label "Same as billing address" can be selected/deselected by the user. When the checkbox is deselected, all textboxes are enabled for the user to input the correct address.
Now heres my problem -
I am using client-side validation. When the textboxes are in readonly state & I try to submit the form, the validation rules (of 'required','mask','integer' etc) are getting called ,although data is present in the textbox. Why cant it detect the data in the textboxes if they are marked readonly ? what is the solution ?
Pls advice.