I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in this forum who helped me to pass this exam.
In spite of the long waiting period, I enjoyed this exam a lot in part1 2 and 3.
The following is the "notorious" email from Oracle:
"Hi Jiafan,
Congratulations! You have passed the Oracle Certified Master,
Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect certification. You are among the elite 1% of certified Java professionals who have gone on to achieve the Java Enterprise Architect certification.
You have received a passing score. Passing grades do not receive a score, just the pass. A failing grade will receive section level scoring so that a candidate may isolate the area of failure and resubmit their assignment. Numeric scores are only provided on failures.
Kindly allow two weeks time to view the Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect certification status on your CertView profile.
Thank you for all your efforts with this certification, and good luck in your future endeavors with Java.
Please email us your mailing address and phone number in the following format, so that we can process your Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect certification success kit."