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Rob Spoor wrote:Are you using the right form action and name fields? They should be j_security_check for the form action and j_username and j_password for the username and password fields. See for more information.
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
Tim Holloway wrote:Welcome to the JavaRanch, Farag!
Regardless of which authentication scheme you wire into a J2EE webapp, the process is the same. When a user requests a protected URL (as defined by patterns in web.xml), the webapp server checks to see whether or not the user has already been authenticated. If so, the user's request proceeds.
If the user has not been authenticated, the user's URL request is placed "on hold", and the server's authentication processor takes over.
It is important to know that the authenticator is completely and entirely a process of the webapp server and its plug-in security (Realm) code. You cannot write a "login servlet" or servlet filter to participate in the authentication process. A lot of people fail to realize this, and think that just because their login page is a "jsp" that they can receive and process information at login time. The container will build the displayed login page using basic JSP processing, but the actual login processing is returned to a closed routine within the appserver itself whose sole function is to use the j_userid and j_password as arguments to the Realm's authenticate() method and instruct the Realm to set up a security context (UserPrincipal) if the Realm's authenticate() method returns "true".
Once authenticated, the original user URL request is taken "off hold" and processed as though the user had already been logged in. There are no events fired or other indications given to the webapp that login ever took place. Login is transparent. Therefore, you cannot know when a user has logged in and direct him/her to a specific login page. Which is actually good for those of us who like to form "bookmark" URLs that take us directly to secured functions within a webapp.
The other reason (besides bookmarkable secure URLs) that you don't get notified when a user logs in is that in the case of webapps secured with a Single Signon Realm, the actual login may have been done while working with an entirely different application, possibly on an entirely different server and even written in an entirely different programming language. All J2EE cares about is that whenever a user requests a secured URL, that URL is protected regardless of which direction the request came from or whatever other functions the user has been doing. This is critical, since one of the best ways to hack into a secured resource on a system that doesn't use the standard security system is to bypass the "normal" assumed processes.
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
Tim Holloway wrote:You have the right idea. Technically, you don't "have to force a log in", though, since when the user requests a protected URL, the webapp server will do the forcing without any action on your part. That's what makes it extra-secure. Do-it-Yourself security systems usually forget to force a login - especially after a few maintenance cycles, but the webapp server doesn't.
I use form-based authentication almost exclusively, and it does work exactly as you're expecting, which is to say the same response as you'd see from BASIC authentication.
If you provide us with a copy of your login page, we should be able to see what's wrong with it.
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
Tim Holloway wrote:OK.
The login page fails because the "action" isn't supposed to be an encoded URL. It should just be simply "j_security_check".
The loginfail page should have a login form, just like the login page, not a link or form action on it. In fact, I usually just clone my loginpage and put a "Login failed, please login" message on it. If you actually put an explicit navigation directive there, you'll effectively be abandoning the login process and you'll lose your original URL request.
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
Tim Holloway wrote:I'm not sure. However, I think your "page" JSP directive needs to be at the top. For one thing, content-type is an HTML header, and it usually causes an invalidstateexception when you try and set a header after you've already sent content.
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
Tim Holloway wrote:Probably you should set up your web.xml security rules so that the login/loginfail JSPs don't match any of the secured URLs. I think you're getting a infinite recursion on login. That is, in order to get to the login page, you have to be logged in, so it fetched the login page, but to access it you have to be logged in, and round and around and around!
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
Tim Holloway wrote:There's something odd here, but it's impossible to tell what it is. Check your Realm configuration and make sure that the login form isn't requesting secured resources or recursive resources.
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