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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
1) Can I define the multiplicity and navegability of the classes that doesn't have this defined?
2) Can I define a base classe for classes that are the same kind and make the relationship's with the base, eliminating the relationship with the especialized classes ?
3) Have I to reference all the domain classes in my diagrams?
4) Have I to put attributes in the domain classes?
Sadanand Kurapati wrote:Hi David,
I am not sure why we need to define the domain model for SCEA Part II assignment. The assignment itself provides the domain model of the problem. If you are asking how to model the class diagram from domain model diagram, then please find my answers.
1) Can I define the multiplicity and navegability of the classes that doesn't have this defined?
Yes, you can define as long as it make sense for your solution.
2) Can I define a base classe for classes that are the same kind and make the relationship's with the base, eliminating the relationship with the especialized classes ?
Yes, you can and it is always good idea to do that.
3) Have I to reference all the domain classes in my diagrams?
Yes, we should not drop anything from domain model. Remember, class diagram is the extended version of the domain model with more details.
4) Have I to put attributes in the domain classes?
Not sure but it will be good idea to define the attributes.
Note: Please remember that we need to stick with domain model. You can change around 10% to 15% but remember to provide the supporting points for that deviation.
Hope this information is helpful.
Sadanand Kurapati wrote:Hi David,
Somethings in the domain model and the problem statements are left intentionally and it is up to us to understand the system and fill the gaps. One problem can be interpreted in different ways, but only thing I recommend is to document whatever the assumptions you made clearly.
To answer straight to your question, yes you can add multiplicity and navigability. And also you can design the base class/interface. Make sure you document everything.
kumar naresh wrote:I think I haven't get the problem exactly. Why do you require JMS message for 1 & 2 scenarios. Is it mentioned to use JMS? If both Customer and System are using same database.Why can't we use entities and do a fetch to the database. If 1000's of customers do a search for all products at the same time then how this be handled in JMS.
If they are two different applications and having different databases then WebServices may come into picture.
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