Hey Guys,
I'm trying to iterate through contents of a list that has a sub list inside it. I noticed that my
JSP only displays the first list and contents of it's sub list. I'm using <bean

efine> between the parent list and it's child list.
It seems like when the JSP executes the <bean

efine> the first time in the loop it's fine. But when it comes across the <bean

efine> the second time it does not execute it.
Do anyone know why?!?! ...and how can I get around this?
Here's my code:
<!-- GET Sub Category List -->
<logic:iterate id="subCategoryCbo" name="subCatList">

efine id="subCatName" property="serviceSubCategoryName" name="subCategoryCbo" />

efine id="subCatCode" property="serviceSubCategoryCode" name="subCategoryCbo" />

efine id="subCatId" property="serviceSubCategoryId" name="subCategoryCbo" type="java.lang.Integer" />

efine id="serviceMapList" property="serviceMap" name="serviceCategoryDto" />
<p><%=subCatName.toString().toUpperCase() %></p>
<!-- GET Service Map List -->
<logic:iterate id="serviceMap" name="serviceMapList">
String ID = subCatId.toString();
<logic:equal property="key" name="serviceMap" value="<%=ID%>">
KEY: <bean:write property="key" name="serviceMap" />
ID: <bean:write property="serviceSubCategoryId" name="subCategoryCbo" />

efine id="serviceList" name="serviceMap" property="value"/>
<!-- GET Services -->
<% int index = 0; %>

resent name="serviceList">
<logic:iterate id="serviceCbo" name="serviceList">
<% index++; if(index == 1) { out.print("<TR>"); } %>
<html:multibox property="selectedHairService">
<bean:write property="serviceCode" name="serviceCbo" />
<bean:write property="serviceName" name="serviceCbo" />
<%if(index%3 == 0) { out.print("</TR>"); index = 0;} %>

<p> </p>
<p> </p>