I believe there are.
You should answer these questions LAST because the software will not restore your answers if you come back to the question. Drag and drop questions are clearly marked on-screen so you don't have to remember which are DND.
Here is what I suggest:
First, go through the questions at a fairly rapid pace, answering those questions you can answer quickly and confidently. Skip the DND questions. Don't mark any questions on this pass. Aim to spend no more than two minutes on a question. If not sure, move on.
Next, make a second pass through the questions, a little more slowly, looking only at ones you did not answer before. Again, skip the DND questions. This time, if not sure of the answer, mark the question for later review.
Next, go through the DND questions ONLY. Don't mark any of them, and don't return to them once answered.
Next, go through the marked questions, and un-mark each one when you have answered it.
Finally, check that every question has an answer and that no question is still marked. (The
testing software shows you both these things IIRC, except for DND questions.)
At this point you may have enough time remaining to revisit your answers, but as a general rule I recommend against this. I think that more often than not your first answer was the right one.
If you take a systematic approach like this and pay attention to how much time you've spent on a question you will finish the exam with plenty of time to spare.