I have situation where I need to calculate the dates as follows
last week
last Quarter
how do i achieve this .
say for example if today's date is 12/21/2011
i want to get "Yesterday" as 12/20/2011( this is simple) using calender class
how to achieve the last WEEK 12/11/2011 to 12/17/2011
And as far as Last quarter concerned
Q1 - January, February, and March
Q2 - April, May, and June
Q3 - July, August, and September
Q4 - October, November, December
if today's date is 12/21/2011
then last quarter would be Q3 07/01/2011 to 09/30/2011.
How do i achieve this with
java date or calender class or by any other means.
Thanks In Advance.