I have a stored procedure with return item defined SYS_REFCURSOR. With in stored proc, the cursor is reading values from dual table. I need to read these values which are present in the dual table using Ibatis into
java object. When I map these values present in dual table to <ResultMap> I get exception. Below is the outline...
procedure example1(....., ...., outputvalues OUT sys_refcursor, ......)
... OPEN outputvalues FOR
select x.value1, x.value2 from DUAL;
<parameterMap .........>
<parameter property="outputvalues" jdbcType="ORACLECURSOR" javaType="java.sql.ResultSet" resultMap="outValues" />
<resultMap id="outValues" class="DAOValues">
<result property="daovalue1" column="value1" />
<result property="daovalue2" column="value2" />
daoValue1 & daoValue 2 are attributes in DAOValues class.
When I try to execute the stored proc, I'm getting error saying "daovalue1" is not defined. Can anyone tell me how to define the column values properly so I can avoid this problem.