I created the self signed certificate using
java keytool and gave the path of the .keystore file in server.xml file in the conf folder of
I have an existing Web Application where I am using
SOAP web services and I have to configure SSL in it.
I added the following code in the web.xml file of the application
Now redeploying this application on Tomcat I run the URL as
https://localhost:8443/DgSuite/login.html (My application URL)
It opens successfully ,but I am not able to login as it says cannot connect
I also changed the path in WSDL file from localhost:8080 to
https://localhost:8443 and i am able to open the wsdl with new URL
But I am not able to further login.I am not getting any error in Tomcat logs or even in the debugger (for firefox).
Kindly help
Also Noticed that in the debugger it says it cannot connect to WSDL saying
"{\"success\": false, \"error\": \"Can not connect to controller at
https://localhost:8443/dgcontroller/ControllerConnectorPort?wsdl exception: javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: Failed to access the WSDL at:
https://localhost:8443/dgcontroller/ControllerConnectorPort?wsdl. It failed with: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target.\"}"