Hi everybody.
I'm trying to change the default location of local repository (~/.m2) to a partition.
First, I added <localRepository>I:\.m2\repository</localRepository> in this file.
I change the settings.xml, pointed by "Global settings for embedded installation" for my modified one.
After this, I pointed in Eclipse > Preferences >
Maven > User Settings > Local repository (From merged user and global settings) to my new repository path, and even created a user settings.xml at my new location.
I could achieve this with a external maven (3.0.3v), and I'm using the same settings.xml for the maven embedded (3.0.2v), but it didn't work in eclipse. When I do a maven install goal, my project goes to the default repository ~/.m2
Anybody knows what is wrong?
Edit: Well, finally I did it, but I have to add my external maven to Maven > Installations. Isn't there any way to do it without a external Maven?