OK, I'm trying to recover the svn structure and determine the difference with current files.
1) Zipped current files and copied directories to different drive, about 250 MB of files.
2) Delete original directory
3) Use SVN Checkout to checkout copy to original directory
4) Download synchronize it and compare it from
5) That was an unexpected result, all the .java files match. Did a svn version before extracting a copy to share. Possibly, the repository has all current files.
6) So, I tried doing a svn diff by holding down the shift key and selecting the top level directory of the branch of interest, and selecting "Tortoise SVN/Diff with URL". That generates an error because .bin was removed from svn and is indicated that it is not found.
7) Then selected branch/src for comparison, that shows while files changed, can't see the recent changes. This isn't the information that I was looking for.
8) Went back to synchronize it, and changed options from "Update Target" to "Synchronize", with .java file filter. Now a handful of files appear. This may be the set of files that I was looking for.
I'm not seeing the change that I was looking for. Currently, the Java code fails due to a hashcode mismatch when a data file is read. I've deleted the data files, so that the files would be recreated, and presumably, then the hash codes would have to match. They still don't match (hashcode read from file compared to calculated hash code after reading the data file). One possibility is that something is in the hash code calculation that is not stored in the data file. There was some recent changes to the hash code calculation by using the Eclipse generated hash code calculation instead of the hand coded hash code. But, the above comparison is not identifying the java classes with the eclipse created hash code routines.
I need to think more about this...