Hi Kyle,
I'm an Oracle developer but I've looked at some of the "NoSQL" discussions, including
Oracle's entertaining volte-face on whether NoSQL is a good idea or not. It all sounds interesting, but I'm still struggling to get a handle on where I might want to use something like MongoDB rather than the more structured relational/star schema models that seem to fit the large-scale enterprise applications I usually work on.
I've also learned the hard way that a lot of people in Java-Land find databases "difficult", so rather than learn how to use them properly, they often look for ways to avoid doing so, either by delegating everything blindly to an ORM and hoping for the best (works for a while but doesn't always scale well to high volumes/complex data-sets), or by coming up with ways to avoid having a database at all (nasty flat-file solutions and so on). Indeed, a
Java developer of my acquaintance has already mentioned possibly using a NoSQL database simply as a way to avoid having to learn SQL!
So can you reassure this grumpy old database developer that MongoDB and NoSQL is not just another way for people to avoid thinking hard about the structure/purpose of their data, even though data is often the key asset in many enterprise applications? And what are the application areas where you would - or would not - choose a NoSQL database? Where would you pick a relational DB instead?
Best of luck with the book.