Hi ranchers,
I have a question regarding transactions in Session-Beans.
There is the following method in a Stateless Session-Bean:
The class DataAccessObject is a POJO.
The method bookProdOrders() uses
JDBC for the database-access:
In the first SQL-statement I read all records where the booked-field is not set.
Then I do some business-logic.
At the end I make an SQL-update on the same table and set a value into the booked-field, so that this records will not be booked twice.
Is this approach transaction-safe?
What would happen when two or more users call the SLSB-method bookProdOrders() on the same time?
Would the two or more SLSB-method-calls on bookProdOrders() be handled sequentially from
Does the TransactionAttributeType Required has an impact on the JDBC-calls?
Kind regards