I have a problem in filling a grid on parent
JSP. My parent JSP has two radio buttons (Accept/ Reject) and three other columns in the grid. On click of any of these two radio buttons(Accept/ Reject), i am invoking a pop-up window.
The pop-up window(JSP) has two text-fields(Remarks1, Remarks2). When user enter data in both fields of pop-up window and click on save button the data of these two fields enter into corresponding fields of parent JSP.
Here I am sending some piece of code:-
Parent JSP Code
Due to some reasons i can't send the code of parent JSP.
Pop-up JSP code:-
function fnSetValues()
opener.document.forms[0].strRemarks1 = document.forms[0].strRem1Popup.value; //strRem1Popup is pop-up form bean property
opener.document.forms[0].strRemarks2 = document.forms[0].strRem2Popup.value; //strRem2Popup is pop-up form bean property
Note: In above codes I am setting both remarks properties of pop-up to corres. properties of parent JSP. Tell me whether it is right approach or give me a way to solve this problem.