I am trying to develop an application. In registration form, user must enter the present address and if the permanent address and present address are not same then he has to enter the permanent address also. i successfully developed the code to capture the data. And i have update profile page. where user can view the details as well as he can update the details. for that i just used normal form elements
for ex:<html:text property="name" value="${profile.name}" />.
My problem is if the user's present and permanent address are same then i have to display only present address and in Permanent address i have to display message as "Same as Present".
If they are not same i have to display both addresses. I am using Hibernate and
Struts for this. where the address variable is "HashSet" type. I have developed the code but i have written redundant code. i think it is inefficient. Please solve my problem. I am posting the code to display the addresses what i wrote.
Thank You in advance.