I am working on one project in that we need to use elliptic curve cryptography for message encryption and decryption. i am not getting the source code of ECC so can anyone send me if you have it.
I do not have much idea about the algorithm. please explain it briefly. Thank you.
Thank you for your kind response. i have goggled but i could not get clear idea of ECC and source code. do you know any sites which provide source codes?.
Bouncycastle and Flexiprovider are just two. Obviously you are not looking very hard. It sounds like you want to spoon-fed knowledge, code, google results, ..., everything.
Hi Good morning. what i want is the source code of ECC algorithm. i will write code according to my application requirement. please help me out in achieving code.
Whatever sites you mentioned I could not get detailed information.
It's not possible to provide a lot of detail in forum posts about topics as intricate as ECC; if I was interested in that I'd start reading at Wikipedia and follow some links from there.
The sites mentioned above (OpenJDK for Java 7) and BouncyCastle have implementations (read: source code) for ECC; I don't think either has much explanatory material - that's not what those sites are about.