I'm learning Python too, and so far it's great, although I'm not exactly at the stage of building enterprise web applications with it (you probably need to look at a framework like
Django for that).
Of course, Steve's right that we should all probably learn Java and Ruby and JavaScript etc as well as Python, but just to help you get started with Python, here's some useful resources:
Google's Python Class - Google's in-house tutorial videos and exercises for learning Python. "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - Learning with Python 3" - free book on learning Python 3 (if you need to work with Python v.2 there is a link to the Python 2 version of the book at http://www.openbookproject.net/thinkcs/).Dive Into Python 3 - another excellent free book on learning Python.Think Stats - free book on learning statistical programming with Python.Head First Python is a nice introductory book on learning Python, including a quick look at using it with Google App Engine.Programming Python (4th edition) is probably the definitive book on how to do stuff with Python's huge range of libraries (4th edition assumes you're using Python 3).There's also an interesting new book Machine Learning In Action by Peter Harrington, which uses Python to explore various techniques for data mining and machine learning.
Python seems to be quite widely used for scientific applications (and increasingly for some financial applications e.g. in the City of London), and it is often available as a scripting language within tools for particular domains e.g GIS. It also pops up in odd places e.g. I've seen it used in WebLogic setup scripts, and it is often used for sys admin tasks as it gives you a platform-independent way to do clever stuff with the various Python libraries. Also, Python is being taught increasingly in the universities as a first programming language, so I suspect we will see more interest in using it, especially outside traditional IT departments, in future.
Finally, if you're finding the indentation too much work

, try using a Python-aware editor e.g.
PyDev for Eclipse, or a simpler
IDE like
PyScripter, which will indent your code for you. And of course, lots of text editors can be configured for Python as well.