Manning - Bitter Java by Bruce Tate
Prentice Hall Effective Java 2nd Edition by Joshua Bloch
Wiley - More Java Pitfalls by Michael C. Daconta, Kevin T. Smith, Donald Avondolio and W. Clay Richardson
Refactoring by Martin Fowler
Enterprise Integration Patterns - Designing, Building And Deploying Messaging Solutions by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf
Core J2EE Patterns by Deepak Alur, Dan Malks and John Crupi
Dependency Injection by Dhanji R. Prasanna
Design Patterns Explained by Alan Shalloway
Design Patterns Java Companion (1998)
Design Patterns Java Workbook
Design Patterns, Elements Of Reusable Object Oriented Software, 1998 by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides
Fowler - Patterns Continued
Fowler - Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
Head First Design Patterns - OReilly 2004
Java Design Patterns A Tutorial (2000) by James W. Cooper
Morgan Kaufmann Web Application Design Patterns by Pawan Vora (only one I haven't heard of...)
Real-Time Design Patterns by Bruce Powel Douglass
Remoting Patterns [dist object middleware] - M. Volter, et al., (Wiley, 2005) WW
Head First Design Patterns - OReilly 2004
Practical API Design - Confessions of a Java FrameWork Architect; Jaroslav Tulach (not exactly patterns but I want to end up here and a side project I have I'll end up building an api)
And then there are these because I haven't done any SOA development. Again, plopped in front of me:
Packt Publishing Service Oriented Java Business Integration
Service Oriented Architecture with Java; Binildas C. A., Malhar Barai, Vincenzo Caselli (Packt Publishing, 2008)
Wiley Applied SOA Service-Oriented Architecture and Design Strategies
Wiley Business Rules Management and Service Oriented Architecture
Wiley Service Oriented Architecture for DUMmIES
Wiley Service-Oriented Modeling Service Analysis, Design, and Architecture
I get them and understand their use but I don't have them readily accessible as of yet.
Mohamed Sanaulla | My Blog | Author of Java 9 Cookbook | Java 11 Cookbook
Guru Vijay wrote:Mohamed,
Is there any case/scenario in the real time implementation ,
that we shouldn't use Design Pattern ?
Mohamed Sanaulla | My Blog | Author of Java 9 Cookbook | Java 11 Cookbook
Is there any case/scenario in the real time implementation ,
that we shouldn't use Design Pattern ?
Jimmy Clark wrote:
I get them and understand their use but I don't have them readily accessible as of yet.
It might be helpful if you could explain what you mean by "don't have then readily accessible." Is there anything that you do not understand about design patterns in general or a specific pattern?
There are hundreds of object-oriented design patterns in existence, some of them commerical and public, and some of them are proprietary and private.
Mohamed Sanaulla wrote:
I think even this book is good: "Design Patterns Explained by Alan Shalloway" because I have read another book by the same author and found it to be useful.
Apart from that, which pattern to apply when is what you learn by experience and actually using the patterns. You should be aware of when each pattern can be used and thereby implement them in your work.
William Brogden wrote:
Design patterns in general are worth browsing through when you are hunting for inspiration but don't feel you have to cram every problem into a named pattern.
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