Ulf Dittmer wrote:Because "they" -whoever they are- are bad developers who have no clue about web development. Don't trust "them" with anything important.
Guy deLyonesse wrote:Some places actually teach that approach if the two methods are to handle a request the same way. I wouldn't do it that way, but mine is not the only way things are done. I've known developers who could code rings around most of us here who have done it that way, so I'd be hesitant to accuse them of not knowing what they're doing.
In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Bear Bibeault wrote:I see no belittling of a member. Unless you're of the camp that thinks that correcting someone is belittling them.
Bear Bibeault wrote:
But pointy-haired bosses deserve to be belittled
Weeds: because mother nature refuses to be your personal bitch. But this tiny ad is willing:
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