Pradeep bhatt wrote:That is good to know that C++ is constantly evolviong. I thought it has a level of maturity that no further additions/ refinements are needed. In Java new features are added through JSR. Who decides about C++.
The evolution of C++ is handled by the
ISO C++ Standards Commitee, commonly known as WG21. Anyone is free to submit a proposal via their National Body (INCITS, BSI, DIN, AFNOR etc). Also, if you post to the comp.std.c++ newsgroup with a proposal, and ask for help submitting it to ISO then I expect someone will help you out --- the moderators explicitly forward any defect reports (i.e. bugs in the standard itself rather than a particular implementation of it) to the committee.
You are also free to attend the committee meetings, though you need to let the committee know you are coming. Again, this is best organized through your National Body, but you can be an independent attendee. If you have written a proposal then you need someone to be at the meetings to champion it if you cannot be there yourself.