That’s on a Linux® box, so the names are missing the .exe extensions, but you should have more or less the same files. If you find those files, all you have to do is to set your PATH to include them; you are doing it by using the JAVA_HOME variable. If you don’t find them, try a search for them by name, particularly javac.exe. If you still can’t find them, it is probably quicker to reinstall Java™.appletviewer java jconsole jrunscript native2ascii schemagen xjc
apt javac jcontrol jsadebugd orbd serialver
ControlPanel javadoc jdb jstack pack200 servertool
extcheck javah jhat jstat policytool tnameserv
idlj javap jinfo jstatd rmic unpack200
jar java-rmi.cgi jmap jvisualvm rmid wsgen
jarsigner javaws jps keytool rmiregistry wsimport
Steven Desair wrote:Thanks for your quick response (and the welcome ;) )
I've went through the FAQ step by step, but hit a wall when trying to check my configuration.I did decide to install it to c:\Java\.
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