Meiyappan Kannappa wrote:Hi,
If you dont have your client in the same archieve, then you need to do lookup using Initial context and JNDI name.
When you say archive, can you please elaborate? I have 2 situations that I can give, and have tried.
1. 2 SLSBs both in the same EJB jar. The injector bean is able to inject all 3(Remote, Local and No-Interface views) of the injected bean - This has been tried and tested.
2. 2 SLSBs. Each in its own EJB jar. Both jars are packaged in the same EAR. The injector bean, has no ejb-ref present as no ejb-jar.xml has been used(Is there a way
to use ejb-ref using annotations?). The injected bean's remote, local and no-interface views were tried in the injector bean. The EAR is not getting deployed in Weblogic12C.
Below is the stack trace.
The Injector Bean,
The injected bean,