posted 12 years ago
I´m creating a program who is loaded in JPanel superior the images and when the user click in an imagem this image appear in Jpanel inferior...
there´s the code of Janela1(Window1)
there´s the code of the two JPanel superior and inferior who the classes is : PintarImagem and EventImagem...there´s the 2 classes:
PintarImagem(JPanel superior):
and EventImagem:
the issues is: when I call the Mouse event, the event call paintComponent of EventImagem class load the imagem of this method, but don´t paint the image in JPanle inferior, the question is Why? I debugged this code and I see, first the jvm call paintComponent of EventImagem and after the jvm call paintComponent of PintarImagem.... I don´t know what´s happening......