posted 12 years ago
I need Someone to help me or show me what I need to do for the average to print out correctly
output is:
Connie has an average grade of 85.33 You will receive a B in this class.
James has an average grade of 92.00 You will receive a A in this class.
Susan has an average grade of 52.33 You will receive a F in this class.
Jake has an average grade of 66.33 You will receive a D in this class.
Karen has an average grade of 77.33 You will receive a C in this class.
Bill has an average grade of 99.00 You will receive a A in this class.
Fred has an average grade of 85.33 You will receive a B in this class.
Cheryl has an average grade of 75.00 You will receive a C in this class.
Pam has an average grade of 65.00 You will receive a D in this class.
Steve has an average grade of 45.00 You will receive a F in this class.
John has an average grade of 86.33 You will receive a B in this class.
David has an average grade of 81.67 You will receive a B in this class.
Corina has an average grade of 91.67 You will receive a A in this class.
Delia has an average grade of 74.00 You will receive a C in this class.
Evan has an average grade of 99.00 You will receive a A in this class.
Overall Class Average is 21.67 ****HERE'S THE PROBLEM*****
The following lists the number of students earning each letter grade:
Number of A's = 4
Number of B's = 4
Number of C's = 3
Number of D's = 2
Number of F's = 2
The following program generates 3 random numbers, then averages them.
The average of 22 43 49 is 38