posted 12 years ago
Hello out there,
I am planing to deploy my Facelet WebApplication to WebContainer A in physical WebServer A, and my EJB-Application in an EjbContainer on a different physical server B to put a firewall between both servers.
Thus my Facelet-ManagedBeans have to communicate to the ejbs via the local network using the ejb-remote interfaces. I will deploy an *.ear file incl. all ejbs to the ejb-Container to run the EjbApplication, BUT
Question: Is it enough to deploy a *.war archive incl. all transfer objects and the ejb-remote interfaces to the WebContainer, or do I need to deploy another *.ear archive to the WebContainer (containing the *.war archive incl. all transfer objects and the ejb-remote interfaces) to run the WebApplication?
Thanks for any support ;-)