I am trying following example from link
on netbeans 6.7.1 and glassfish server.
Netbeans is complaining about following annotations.
I imported ejb3-persistence jar as well. Not sure what other jar is missing. I am pasting source code for your reference. I tried to run
example as given in the tutorial on
Eclipse Galileo (SR2)
JBoss Tools 3.1.1 (JBossTools-Update-3.1.1.v201006011046R-H111-GA.zip)
JBoss AS 6 M3 (jboss-as-distribution-
But i could not get the JBOSS server software download. When i searched I was only able to download the update software not entire server software.(Please advise if you can point me to direct link where i can down load above vesion JBOSS AS). Reason I selected netbeans with Glasfish is i can have every thing in place without spending lot of time on configuration, setting up environments etc.
UserFacade interface file
UserFacadeBean File
UserService File
Then view files are
index.html file
layout.xhtml file
register.xhtml file
register_confirm file is
I do not see any source code with required libraries on that link as well.
Please advise on how to run this example effectively.