I'm trying to make a RSS parser that parses some RSS document and sends the filtered output elsewhere via mail/screen popup/etc. All is working well, until I compile it into a jar and run the jar.
The jar just seems to stops during execution when trying to creata a new instance GMailMailer. I have put some log messages in place to see what's going on.
The last log entry I see when running the jar is: 'Using new instance of GmailMailer". When I run the same code via IntelliJ
IDE, then all is fine and I can see the log messages that come after it. The GmailMailer class is nothing spectacular
When running the jar, I don't see "Entering GMailMailer constructor" in the log, but I do see it when running from IntelliJ 11. Both classes are in the same package. Now I have run out of ideas.. Why is this happening? All help is welcome...