This helps to avoid having many ejbFind calls...i got this
pattern but another question comes out....
Example : 100 records to browse & 5 pages displaying 20 records per page (so, the USER1 sees 1-2-3-4-5 links on this page)
The datas having been loaded in cache and the USER1 is browing the datas by making call to the ValueListHandler, right ?
Only one SQL call has been so far as the patterns suggested.
What does happen ?or how does it work if another USER2 add records in the DB.....i mean the datas are 101 records now...how should it be managed with this pattern to show the '6' link on the USER1 screen at the moment when he is browsing ???
Of course i know to do that...when the USER adds records, i can the cache ValueListHandler too and add there too if it does not exist....so the 6 link will be displayed, but my question how is it managed by default in
J2EE design pattern ???