I had a
jsp in that I had a input feild for number of jobs.Depending on
that input ,that many times the below tag must be display.
<td><s:select theme="simple" name="jobList[%{#rowstatus.index}].jobType" list="positionsList" emptyOption='true'/></td>
Until here it is working fine.But I'm having a button when I click on that
it should select the value for other dropdowns same as the first dropdown .
I'm trying to do this using onclick javascript
for(var i=1;i<=noofjobs;i++){
document.getElementById("jobList[i].speciality").option[document.postBulkJobs.jobList[0].speciality.selectedIndex].selected= true;
But it is not working . I'm not able to get selected value to the javascript . Is this the correct way to do it.
Please help