Alright, going on day four trying to get this plugin to work in my application.
I've tried every single thing I can think of in my extremely limited knowledge of
Java to get this to run in a JInternalFrame. I've tried running the
applet version and calling the Main.class with no success.
I've been told I can't call an object using jInternalFrame.add(Object). When I try de.mud.jta.Main main = new de.mud.jta.Main();, I get NO SUITABLE METHOD FOUND FOR ADD on compile, and the error points to jDesktopPane1.add(main);
Here's what I know:
Main.class makes a new JFrame. If there's some way I could make it populate MY jInternalFrame in place of making a new one that would be fine. I would also be satisfied with a new JFrame opening in a DesktopFrame in my application. I'd even settle for a completely new frame opening up, (a popup of sorts) at this point. Just ANYTHING to get this SSH terminal to run in my application.
Here's the Main.class source:
How can I get this class to run, and get what it creates to run in a frame in my application?