posted 12 years ago
Hi guys
I worked out some sample in struts2.
I have struck in one point. while implementing my request.
when logged into my application . i will check whether the user is ordinary user and super user in action class 1.
if the user is ordinary user then i redirect the result for this success1 to call action class 2 to load some data into list in the welcome page.
if the user is super user then i redirect the result for this success2 to call action class 3 to load some data into list in the welcome page.
while redirecting the request i need to pass the login key entered by the user from action class 1 to action class 2 or 3 if the result is success1/success2.
Currently i am loading the user id in session and getting the value from session. i need to change this approach to above request.
can you help me out.