posted 17 years ago
Incase of struts, it's not exactly similar to the servlet way of things.
Usually a servlet would be mapped to a url-pattern similar to "abc".
Incase of struts, the url-pattern is usually like ""
Here the ".do" tells the web.xml to pick up the ActionServlet. (You can take a look at the servlet mapping for *.do in your web.xml)
From there on, the text preceding the ".do" is looked up in the action mappings, which have been read from the struts-config.xml file during startup.
This would in turn point to the correct action class (which are actually derivatives of the servlet family in a way).
Btw, you can actually have your struts URL's identified by something other than ".do". You can use ".abc" too, just that it should be mapped to the action servlet within your web.xml
Hope this helps somewhat. (I think some comprehensive document would be much better though.).