Originally posted by Merrill Higginson:
What version of Eclipse are you using? Do you have the WTP plugin installed? Have you configured a server within WTP? If so, which server did you configure?
I am using Eclipse Europa..do we have to install the WTP Plugin separately? i mean..isn't it there by default in the plug-in's? and how do i know if the WTP plugin is installed/not ? because in the Help>About Eclipse Platform>Plug-in details, it doesnt show the plugin with name "WTP Plug-in". It has these plugins==>
WTP UI Plug-in,WTP
EJB UI Plug-in,WTP J2EE UI Plug-in,WTP JCA UI Plug-in,WTP
Servlet UI Plug-in and WTP Webservice UI Plug-in.
[ April 02, 2008: Message edited by: Jim Patrick ]