The mysql error 150 is relacted to foreign keys. Mysql documentation says that it occurs when you have a table using constraints, then you use DROP myTable and then try to recreate the table ..
The "solution" for that, according to the documentation, is to have the key sequence of constraints in the time you create the table ( aka, the sequence numbers must be in CREATE statement ). But it didn't work for me at all..
A quick solution? just drop the FOREIGN KEY xxxxx from the db_struct script .. this will not change the forum's behavior. I'm trying to solve this, anyway.
Anonymous wrote:You re-write the phpbb or just implemented ? and if yopu implemented why diont call this of mod? :?:
The phpbb guys can go angry if they conseder it a coopeyith infrasion ... no ?
Rafael Steil wrote:Kinda.. I mean, the migration from phpbb to jforum can be done without any problem. I have in my TODO list make a script that converts phpbb's datatase to jforum's format.
I want to have it until 1.0 final release.
Fudster wrote:
Are these scripts available yet? If not, do you have a document that describes the procedure to convert from phpbb to JForum?
Rafael Steil wrote:
Fudster wrote:
Are these scripts available yet? If not, do you have a document that describes the procedure to convert from phpbb to JForum?
hhmm.. I have it somewhere in my hd.. but am not finding it.. oh well...
Basically, phpbb has posts and posts_text .. jforum just have posts.. there is little changes in the user table..
the major "problem", or the harder part, is that phpbb uses some kind of hash in the bbcode tags, and jforum dont.. so these hashes must be removed..
if I find the scripts, I put here.
"there is a little change in the user table"
"I have it somewhere on my hd.. but am not finding it.. oh well..."
"if I find the scripts, I put here."
# JForum default configuration options
# Just enter the options you want to change in "installation.config"
# options placed in "installation.config" override options in this file.
# Version: $Id:,v 1.23 2004/06/21 03:48:12 rafaelsteil Exp $
Rafael Steil wrote:Just ignore this warning. You can change without any problems.
Cristie wrote:Rafael, "baixei" o JForum RC-4 e percebi que ṇo h�� nenhum .jsp. Fiz todos os passos para a configura̤̣o mas ṇo consegui testar, mesmo porque o index.htm est�� vazio.
Eu preciso "baixar" mais alguma coisa?
PS: Voc̻ poderia me passar um e-mail para contato?
Cristie wrote:Voc̻ explicou como se atualiza o banco de dados. Mas, o que temos de fazer para faz̻-lo funcionar no Tomcat? Gostaria de ver ele funcionando. Como eu poderia fazer isso?
Fudster wrote:
Rafael Steil wrote:Kinda.. I mean, the migration from phpbb to jforum can be done without any problem. I have in my TODO list make a script that converts phpbb's datatase to jforum's format.
I want to have it until 1.0 final release.
Hi Rafael,
Are these scripts available yet? If not, do you have a document that describes the procedure to convert from phpbb to JForum?
Anonymous wrote:When do you plan to release v 2? I saw U've got migration scripts...
Also Will be oracle Suitable for jforum?
Blackwings wrote:
I did all the steps to install manualy jforum. Database created.
What page have I to launch to start the forum?
What are all directories/files i could delete since forum installed?
Blackwings wrote:
When I launched new_rename.htm or index.htm, I got a blank page. Nothing in log file. Nothing append
Blackwings wrote:I forgot to tell you that after modified the path for log4J, using the full path my provider gave me (linux path) jforum.log was not created
Maybe you have a good reason to not use using the normal way.
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