kencochrane wrote:Cool, thanks for letting me know.. I think I may finally have some free time to play with the source code.. I will see what I can do and if I see something that I might be able to work on I will let you know..
kencochrane wrote:
One thing I Just noticed.. It took a while to get the email notification that you replied to this topic. do you batch the email messages or are they sent out live?
Rafael Steil wrote:
Nice. If you're in doubt about what to do, you can think about cool stuff to add, like some kind of way to let the user mark topics as "Favorite", there is the need to implement Private Messages, icq / msn topic anwser notification etc.. crazy stuff :P
Rafael Steil wrote:
I sent to a queue ( implementation at net.jforum.util.concurrent and net.jforum.util.mail ), to not block the message posting, basically.
The dispatch of the message depends of many factors, like email server load, network and so son.. So, sometimes the message can arrive soon, sometime not..
kencochrane wrote:
I think the first thing I will play with is to convert the Templates to XHTML, I looked at the todo list and this one seemed the easiest to do so far.. I guess you have to start somewhere. If I get this done, what should I do with the files I have changed? Send them to you?
Rafael Steil wrote:
RC3 is comming soon, I just need to improve the search, which takes too much time to process on big databases, since it uses a simple LIKE argument to find the contents.
Rafael Steil wrote:
Using Dreamweaver, all you need to do is choose File -> Convert -> XHTML ;) ( well, it helps a lot )
kencochrane wrote:Have you thought of using Lucene for the searching? I looked into it for my site but didn't get to far, I am using the simple Like argument as well and I am sure there is a better way.
Lucene =
kencochrane wrote:]
Should I bother converting the pages, or are you just going to use DreamWeaver? Either way, it doesn't matter to me
Rafael Steil wrote:
well... I can do that quickly ;)
Rafael Steil wrote:Private Messages.. "just" this one.
kencochrane wrote:So the only feature left to do before 1.0 final is Private Messages? Have you started working on this yet? If so, can you point me to the code so I can take a look at it..
How do you want the private messages to work?
Rafael Steil wrote:
kencochrane wrote:So the only feature left to do before 1.0 final is Private Messages? Have you started working on this yet? If so, can you point me to the code so I can take a look at it..
How do you want the private messages to work?
In the first version, almost like phpbb do. In the next versions, we make it better ;)
You can use many of the functionalities available on topic posting.. Moreover, I really recomend to reuse code, since we all are OO fans ;)
You really don't need to make it perfect for the first or second time, don't worry about it.
I have made a simple presentation. I recomend you to go to some site that have phpbb running ( or best, download it to your machine, so you can try easly ). The demo uses portugue pages, but I have put comments in english.. is just to give you a brief!!
The demo is available on:
Don't get me started about those stupid light bulbs. |