Installation of JForum 2.1.8 on Tomcat 6.0.18 is perfectly without problems on WinXPSP3 box. Awesome software!!! And we would like to integrate it on our business website.
But our (new) ISP is running Resin 3.1.8 with Linux kernel 2.6.9-78.0.13.ELsmp and Apache 1.3.41. And there installation fails, when trying to access
http://<hostname>/jforum/install.jsp with error
404 Not Found
/jforum/install.jsp was not found on this server.
And on a test installation of Resin 3.1.8 on the home WinXPSP3 box, JForum installation fails in the same way.
Any hints what we could be doing wrong, or what can be done would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks a lot in advance
[originally posted on jforum.net by oleh]